这部电影是关于当分手已经成为既定现实、而两人还不能马上分开的故事。 “男孩”(杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)被迫接受“女孩”(Eloise Mumford 饰)已经不再需要他的事实。唯一的问题是他似乎无法离开他们曾经共同生活的公寓。 “女孩”决定继续有他在的日子,而“男孩”依然在远处观望。他希望随着时间的推移,两个人可以决定好自己未来不同的方 向。但是 “男孩”很快就发现,有时最遥远的距离就是那个人明明近在咫尺、却又远在天涯。

Some Boys Don't Leave is the story of what happens when the break-up happens but the break does not. 'Boy' is forced to come to terms with the fact that 'Girl' no longer wants him around. The only problem is he just can't seem to leave their once shared apartment. 'Girl' decides to keep living her life around him; while he remains, watching at a distance. In time, each decides to go in his or her own distinctly different directions. 'Boy' soon finds that sometimes the greatest distance we are asked to travel is one within ourselves.

我把周末献给你--再看《痴情男孩》。忧郁的卷毛。我羡慕这个女导演,羡慕死了。。总会有那么一天,为回忆而泪流满面!。痴情的是男孩。it's leaving。Some Girls Don't Leave。不是时间没把你带走,是我没能把你给忘了。。此恨不关风与月。其实我还爱你。

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