大森林的正中央,身材矮小的棕兔“小不点”(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)大惊失色,落荒而逃,好像见到了什么可怕的事物。他一路跑到兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)的洞窟内,神色慌张地讲述遇到了怪物的全过程。正在这时,一只毛茸茸的爪子伸进洞内,漫无目的的摸索着。兔八哥淡定自如,将一支点燃的炸弹放在毛爪掌心,伴随着震耳欲聋的爆炸声,那只爪子被炸得很惨,可是依然不放弃伸进洞里继续摸索。兔八哥心里有数,决定帮助小棕兔。他爬了出来,看到原来是一只傻乎乎的美洲狮站在洞口。   于是,聪明机敏的兔八哥即将戏耍这只笨笨的大家伙……

Shorty, a school-age rabbit with a high-pitched voice, jumps into Bugs Bunny's rabbit hole to escape the clutches of the villainous, but extremely stupid, Pete Puma, whose distinctive speech climaxes in an ear-splitting screech. Pete tries to trick Bugs and Shorty with an exploding cigar. Doesn't work. The cigar says "El Explodo" right on the wrapper. He tries to trick them by disguising himself as Shorty's mother. Doesn't work either. His rabbit ears are leaves that are inelegantly affixed to his hat. How can this poor, pathetic puma win the day? Smarter opponents than he have failed to outwit the wily Bugs Bunny.

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