故事发生在十八世纪末,富家子弟伊格纳茨(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)爱上了表亲薇勒瑞(罗斯玛丽·哈里斯 Rosemary Harris 饰),并且不顾家人的反对娶其为妻,甚至为了仕途而抛弃了家族的姓氏,彻底和亲人决裂。最终,伊格纳茨勃勃的野心不仅伤害了薇勒瑞,亦让他自己疲惫不堪。 亚当(Sándor Szakácsi 饰)是伊格纳茨的小儿子,面对前程,他做出了和父亲相同的选择,然而,纳粹分子对犹太人的仇恨彻底粉粹了他对未来的幻想和希望。亚当的儿子伊万(马克·斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)幸运的成为了那场惨无人道的屠杀中的幸存者,可是,仇恨和厌世冲昏了他的头脑,使得他冲动的投入到了社会主义运动之中去。©豆瓣

The film follows a Jewish family living in Hungary through three generations, rising from humble beginnings to positions of wealth and power in the crumbling Austro-Hungarian Empire. The patriarch becomes a prominent judge but is torn when his government sanctions anti-Jewish persecutions. His son converts to Christianity to advance his career as a champion fencer and Olympic hero, but is caught up in the Holocaust. Finally, the grandson, after surviving war, revolution, loss and betrayal, realizes that his ultimate allegiance must be to himself and his heritage.

■ 坦克是易朽的,梨子是永恒的。。阳光情人。一场属于Ralph Fiennes的独角戏 一部来自Sonnenschein的家族史。为表演而生的人。两个极端,一个天才。东欧犹太人百年境遇。The gift of breathing freely.。阳光情人。枪炮权力欲望是易朽的 只有自由呼吸永恒。时代大命运中挣扎的小命运。

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