故事发生在风景如画的度假胜地意大利,正在享受自己难得的假期的波罗(大卫·苏切特 David Suchet 饰)邂逅了名叫帕梅尔(Frances Low 饰)的女士,后者声称自己是波罗的超级粉丝,并且热情的邀请波罗和自己一起享受这段度假时光。之后,波罗和帕梅尔又认识了两对同样在此休憩的夫妻,他们一对拥有雄厚的财力,另一对刚刚结婚,还沉浸在新婚燕尔的幸福之中。随着时间的推移,波罗渐渐察觉到这两对夫妻间藏着另一端古怪的关系。   就在波罗准备结束自己的休假之际,凶杀案发生了,年轻的瓦伦蒂娜(Annie Lambert 饰)死于中毒,而波罗亦背负上了莫名其妙的罪责被限制了行动。于是,被迫留下的波罗决定和帕梅尔夫人联手,破获凶案的真相。

Just as his holiday on the island of Rhodes is coming to an end, Hercule Poirot finds himself investigating a murder when one of the hotel guests, Valentine Chantry, is poisoned in the bar. The drink she had was apparently meant for her husband and had been bought by Douglas Gold, with whom she had been carrying on since her arrival. Gold is arrested and everyone assumes he is the perpetrator but Poirot thinks otherwise however and looks to the other guests in the hotel as more likely suspects. When a local pathologist confirms that the poison used was local in origin, Poirot realizes that only when he learns who purchased the poison will he learn the killer's identity.

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