影片改编自同名漫画。社恐小说家的高代槙生(新垣结衣 饰)在姐姐夫妇的葬礼上,面对被亲戚们互相推诿的姐姐的遗孤·田汲朝(早濑憩 饰)无法视而不见,顺势决定收养她。但是把外甥女带回去之后,不善交际的槙生才发现自己不适合和谁一起生活。与此相对,不认生的朝面对“不像大人的大人” 的槙生却也坦率地接受了。女主和如小狗般外甥女就此展开了同居生活……

A 35-year-old novelist Makio Kôdai, and her 15-year-old niece Asa, who live together under one roof. Makio took Asa in on a sudden impulse after Asa's parents, which included Makio's older sister, passed away. The next day, Makio returns to her senses and remembers that she does not do well in the company of other people. So begins their daily life, as Makio attempts to acclimate to a roommate, while Asa attempts to get used to an adult that never acts like one.

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