Champs 2015 720p WEB-DL XviD AC3




主演:迈克·泰森 50分 玛丽·布莱姬 马克·沃尔伯格 斯派克·李 


Champs 2015 720p WEB-DL XviD AC3

在美国拳击界有三座大山:伊万德•霍利菲尔德,伯纳德•霍普金斯,迈克•泰森。他们的拳击之路热血沸腾而又充满艰辛,然而他们拳击场背后的生活却挑战着所谓的美国梦。拳击是穷人的运动,当生活无路可走时,他们才被迫成为“当代角斗士”。三位拳击界泰斗讲述着自己的拳击故事,然而拳击之路不仅仅是血性与荣耀,更多的是自我的挖掘与救赎,还折射出了贫穷、犯罪、不公、药物滥用等社会问题。This epic story of the rise of three of the most successful boxers of our time challenges the perception of the American Dream through the intimately personal life trajectories of Evander Holyfield, Bernard Hopkins and Mike Tyson. Much like modern day gladiators, our protagonists come from the bottom rungs of society, choosing the path of boxing or "the poor man's sport," as a last resort, and an alternative to much bleaker options such as prison or, worse yet, death. Following these fighters' paths from success to self-discovery, they recount their battles while illuminating our country's most critical social issues, including the struggle with poverty, racial inequality, broken homes, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and the failures of our educational and prison systems. CHAMPS unearths the unique resilience of these men in the face of life's most difficult obstacles - from personal finance to sustained brain injury - and highlights how our society and their industry exalts their fleeting success, but leaves them without the skills, protections, medical care and training that they need to succeed outside of the ring. We call them "champs" in sport, but cannot help but ask whether they can truly be champions in life.