

又名:我的老爸喵星人(台) / 亿万喵星人(港)

上映日期:2016-09-09(中国大陆) / 2016-08-03(法国)片长:87

主演:凯文·史派西 詹妮弗·加纳 玛丽娜·维丝曼 克里斯托弗·沃肯 


1.21 GB


  • Nine.Lives.2016.九条命.720p.Chi_Eng.ZMZ-BD-MP4-V2.mp4(1.21 GB)

汤姆(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)是叱咤风云的商场精英,却因为过多的将经历投入到工作中而忽视了自己的家人们。这一天是汤姆的女儿瑞贝卡(玛丽娜·维丝曼 Malina Weissman 饰)的生日,差一点就将这茬给忘了的汤姆匆忙赶到宠物店,打算买一只猫作为送给女儿的礼物。   让汤姆没有想到的是,自己竟然被宠物店的老板菲利克斯(克里斯托弗·沃肯 Christopher Walken 饰)施了魔法,灵魂进入了宠物猫的体内。菲利克斯告诉汤姆,他只有学会如何做一位称职的丈夫和父亲,才能够重新回到人类身体之中,然而,猫的寿命是很短暂的,在有限的时间里,汤姆能够完成菲利克斯布置给他的任务吗?Tom Brand (Kevin Spacey) is a daredevil billionaire at the top of his game. His eponymous company FireBrand is nearing completion on its greatest achievement to date - the tallest skyscraper in the northern hemisphere. But Tom's workaholic lifestyle has disconnected him from his family, particularly his beautiful wife Lara (Jennifer Garner) and his adoring daughter Rebecca (Malina Weissman). Rebecca's 11th birthday is here, and she wants the gift she wants every year, a cat. Tom hates cats, but he is without a gift and time is running out. His GPS directs him to a mystical pet store brimming with odd and exotic cats- where the store's eccentric owner- Felix Perkins (Christopher Walken), presents him with a majestic tomcat, named Mr. Fuzzypants. En route to present his daughter with her dream pet, a bizarre turn of events finds Tom trapped inside the body of Mr. Fuzzypants. Adopted by his own family, he begins to experience what life is truly like for the family pet, and as a cat, Tom begins to see his family and his life through a new and unexpected perspective. Meanwhile, his family adjusts to life with an odd and stubborn cat, and his son David (Robbie Amell), steps up in ways Tom never expected. If any hope exists of returning to his family as the husband and father they deserve, Tom will have to learn why he has been placed in this peculiar situation and the great lengths he must go to earn back his human existence.