Deck The Halls 2006 SWESUB viD-pirat { com }


又名:圣诞亮晶晶(台) / 闪亮之屋


主演:丹尼·德维托 马修·布罗德里克 克里斯汀·戴维斯 

导演:John Whitesell 

Deck The Halls 2006 SWESUB viD-pirat { com }

斯蒂芬(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)循规蹈矩一板一眼的过了一辈子,早就已经习惯并且十分享受一成不变的生活。对于圣诞节,斯蒂芬也是一个保守主义者,有着自己根深蒂固的节日习俗,不能忍受分毫的改变。   某一天,斯蒂芬有了一个名叫丹尼(丹尼·德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)的新邻居。这个男人的个性和斯蒂芬有着天壤之别。丹尼向来自由自在,随心所欲,不按常理出牌,脑袋里一堆奇思妙想,并且非常热衷于将这些想法变为现实。圣诞节将近,丹尼竟然决定建造一个彩灯世界,这可不是一般的彩灯世界,丹尼的彩灯世界,要大到在外太空都能看得清清楚楚。眼看着丹尼开始着手建造他的白日梦了,斯蒂芬急坏了。Optometrist Steve Finch loves those Christmas traditions he has set up with his family and his town. As such, he has a schedule of activities for his family starting on December 1st, and is the official unofficial consultant for anything Christmas related in his town of Cloverdale, Massachusetts. During the Christmas season, the Halls move in to the house across the street from the Finch's. The Halls in general are different in outlook and temperament than the Finches. Unlike Steve, Buddy Hall scams his way through life and never follows through with anything he starts. While Kelly Finch and Tia Hall - Steve's wife and Buddy's wife respectively - and their children begin friendships based largely on those differences, Steve and Buddy butt heads based on those differences. It begins with Buddy striving to have his house seen from outer space by decorating it as lavishly and brightly as possible. One of the results of Buddy's task his that he becomes the new go to guy for anything Christmas related in Cloverdale, usurping Steve's coveted position. As Steve and Buddy's open animosity grows, they may threaten the joy of Christmas for all, most specifically their families who have their own ideas of what they would like to do over the Christmas season.