Veronica 2017 Bluray 1080p DTS-HD x264-Grym


又名:韦罗妮卡 / 日蚀亡灵(港)


主演:桑德拉·埃斯卡塞纳 布鲁纳·冈萨雷斯 克劳蒂亚·普莱瑟 伊凡 


Veronica 2017 Bluray 1080p DTS-HD x264-Grym

自从父亲死后,薇若妮卡就一直姊代母职照顾弟弟。思念父亲的她,和两个朋友在日全蚀那天,做了碟仙板以召唤她父亲的灵体。不料就在日光完全遭到遮蔽同时,玻璃破碎,薇若妮卡陷入恍惚状态然后昏迷,朋友们也吓得惊慌失措。薇若妮卡清醒后回家,却开始发现一些异象:东西自己会移动、看不见的地方传来正体不明的呼吸声……她觉得是她把父亲带回了生者的世界,可是这些异象却越发不怀好意,让她备感威胁。在弟弟的帮助下,薇若妮卡展开一项仪式要脱离灵体纠缠,却召唤出始料未及的恐怖幻影,虽然薇若妮卡勇敢地抵抗,但她却浑然不知可怕的后果正等着她……Madrid, June of 1991. Verónica is a teenage girl surpassed by the circumstances after her father died recently, her mother works on a bar all day and she must care of her three younger brothers, twin girls Lucía and Irene and youngest Antoñito. Still mourning by her father's death, Verónica decides to play Ouija with her friends Rosa and Diana, taking advantage a total solar eclipse where all classmates and teachers are on the school's rooftop watching it. Alone on the cellar, the girls try contact their recent deceased familiars, but the session get wrong and Verónica vanishes. Hiding to her mother the happening, Verónica starts to feel strange presences on the house, fearing that these ghosts threat to anybody of her brothers. Advised by Sister Narcisa (nickmaned by the children as Sister Death) about the sinister spirits close to her, Verónica looking for a way to break the contact with the ghosts to save all, suffering hallucinations and horrible visions that progressively up in ...