150611 사쿠라이 아리요시 위험한 밤연회 - 마타요시 나오키, 코이데 케이스케, 타이라 아이리, 아다치 유미, 오카다 요시노리.mkv


又名:欲海慈航(港) / 援交天使(台) / 撒马利亚的少女 / 撒玛利亚城的女孩 / 萨玛利亚女孩 / 哭泣荒原 / Samaritan Girl / Samaria


主演:韩业云 郭智敏 李乌 郑仁基 吴龙 


150611 사쿠라이 아리요시 위험한 밤연회 - 마타요시 나오키, 코이데 케이스케, 타이라 아이리, 아다치 유미, 오카다 요시노리.mkv
1.3 GB

少女倚隽(郭智敏 饰)和洁蓉(韩业云 饰)梦想着去欧洲旅行,为了筹得费用,她们决定由洁蓉援助交际出卖肉体,而倚隽为她招揽生意打理钱财。越来越多的男人宣泄他们的欲望,两个女孩子离梦想里的欧洲越来越近。一次警方突然到旅馆搜查卖淫,脱逃的洁蓉从窗口跳下,受了重伤。倚隽背着她到医院 ,洁蓉渴求倚隽带她心爱的男人来见最后一面。男子答应去见洁蓉,却提出要和倚隽性交。清纯的倚隽不能接受这般惊诧的想法,但为了好友,她最终献出了自己的身体。   只是谁都无法挽救洁蓉的死亡,倚隽拿出以前的记录,一个一个联系男人赎罪般出卖肉体,将原先的钱散还回去。做侦探的父亲勇基(李乌饰)知道后万分愤怒和痛苦。他报复这些嫖客并杀死其中一人。之后,他带着女儿到乡下祭奠死去的母亲……Jae-Young is an amateur prostitute who sleeps with men while her best friend Yeo-Jin "manages" her, fixing dates, taking care of the money and making sure the coast is clear. When Jae-Young falls in love with one of those man she suppresses her feelings towards him in respect of her friend who's jealous. One Day Yeo-Jin fails in doing her job overlooking police officers looking for under-aged prostitutes. In order to not get caught Jae-Young jumps out of a window almost killing herself. On her deathbed, she wishes to see the man again whom she fell in love with and turned away from. But the man only agrees if Yeo-Jin sleeps with him. She does but as they arrive in the hospital Jae-Young is already dead. Trying to understand her best friend, Yeo-Jin tracks down every man she slept with and does the same. As her father learns about this he gets on revenge with fatal consequences...