Falling Down 1993 1080p Bluray x264-hV


又名:堕落 / 怒火风暴 / 崩溃


主演:迈克尔·道格拉斯 罗伯特·杜瓦尔 芭芭拉·赫希 雷切尔·蒂科 


Falling Down 1993 1080p Bluray x264-hV

迈克尔·道格拉斯扮演的威廉·福斯特是一家军工场的工程师,被解雇后心情很压抑。因离婚,小女儿的生日没被邀请,恰好路上堵车,他弃车走进一家杂货铺,想找点零钱打电话,却遭到刁难,他操起垒球棒砸了铺子。在公园休息时,又和流氓打了一架;在快餐店里因和服务生发生争执,他拔出从流氓那里缴获的手枪一阵乱射,此时他已完全失控。最后,他面对退休警官的枪口,不禁自问:“我是坏人吗?”On the day of his daughter's (Joey Hope Singer) birthday, William "D-Fens" Foster (Michael Douglas) is trying to get to his estranged ex-wife's (Barbara Hershey) house to see his daughter. He has a breakdown and leaves his car in a traffic jam in Los Angeles and decides to walk. Along the way he stops at a convenience store and tries to get some change for a phone call but the owner, Mister Lee (Michael Paul Chan), does not give him change. This destabilizes William who then breaks apart the shop with a baseball bat and goes to an isolated place to drink a coke. Two gangsters (Agustin Rodriguez & Eddie Frias) threaten him and he reacts by hitting them with the bat. D-FENS continues walking and stops at a phone booth. The gangsters hunt him down with their gang and shoot at him but crash their car. William goes nuts and takes their gym bag with weapons proceeding in his journey of rage against injustice. Meanwhile Sergeant Martin Prendergast (Robert Duvall), who is working on his last day before retirement, is following the wave of crimes and believes that the same man is responsible but the other detectives do not pay attention to him.