Ocean's 13 (Ocean's Thirteen) (2007)


又名:盗海豪情13王牌(港) / 瞒天过海:13王牌(台) / 13罗汉 / 盗海13侠

上映日期:2007-05-24(戛纳电影节) / 2007-06-08(美国)片长:122

主演:乔治·克鲁尼 布拉德·皮特 马特·达蒙 迈克尔·曼特尔 埃利 


Ocean's 13 (Ocean's Thirteen) (2007)

人老心不老的鲁本•蒂什科夫(Elliott Gould 饰)拿出全部家当与威利•班克(阿尔•帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)合伙经营赌场饭店。但他忘了,在拉斯韦加斯这个光怪陆离、骗盗横行的地方,防范之心是最不可或缺的。班克混迹赌城多年,奸诈手段让他在此如鱼得水。他骗尽鲁本的钱财,将赌场据为己有。老鲁本不堪如此沉重的打击,从此一病不起。   鲁本的遭遇激怒了他的好友丹尼•奥逊(乔治•克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰),在对威利劝说无效的情况下,他重新集结了包括罗斯蒂•雷恩(布莱德•彼特 Brad Pitt 饰)、莱纳斯•凯德维尔(马特•戴蒙 Matt Damon 饰)在内的十三位罗汉,准备对班克赌场进行入侵。7月3日午夜,班克赌场开业,这注定是一个不平凡的夜晚……The last time we saw Danny Ocean's crew, they were paying back ruthless casino mogul Terry Benedict after stealing millions from him. However, it's been a while since they've come back together, which is all about to change. When one of their own, Reuben Tishkoff, builds a hotel with another casino owner, Willy Bank, the last thing he ever wanted was to get cut out of the deal personally by the loathsome Bank. Bank's attitude even goes so far as to finding the amusement in Tishkoff's misfortune when the double crossing lands Reuben in the hospital because of a heart attack. However, Danny and his crew won't stand for Bank and what he's done to a friend. Uniting with their old enemy Benedict, who himself has a vendetta against Bank, the crew is out to pull off a major plan; one that will unfold on the night Bank's newest hot spot opens up. They're not in this for the money, but for the revenge.