

又名:魁拔II / 魁拔2 / Kuiba II


主演:刘婧荦 刘校妤 王凯 敖磊 瞿澳晖 郭政建 杨晨 


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每隔333年,强大而神秘的生物魁拔诞生天地之间,引起元泱界莫大的灾难。第六代魁拔魁拔蛮吉(刘婧荦 配音)悄然逃过一劫,而今随着蛮小满(王凯 配音)朝着最伟大妖侠的道路上不断前进。他们成功登上开往涡流岛的曲境一号,随着众多神圣联军战士逼近那个危险所在,指望打败魁拔建功立业。与此同时,天界魁拔司主神镜心(刘露 配音)准确测出新一代魁拔的正确方位。为了给这个难缠的对手以致命一击,她不惜使用牺牲地界生物的光势。   在涡流岛上,神圣联军的先头部队遭到幽弥狂及其战友的强力扑杀。随后蛮小满、雪伦(敖磊 配音)、蛮吉随着镜心登岛,惨烈的战斗撼动元泱界的每一个角落……Every 333 years, an abomination is born, a being known as Kuiba, destined to be the nemesis of all, and bring disaster to the world. In Kuiba year 1664, the sixth-generation Kuiba appeared. After narrowly escaping a preemptive strike by the forces of heaven, the young Kuiba was adopted by Man Xiaoman of the Beast Nation, who gave him the name "Manji." Like those around him, Manji is unaware of his true identity. With the encouragement of his adopted father, Manji overcame numerous trials before finally boarding a warship bound for Maelstrom Island. There he hopes to prove he is the greatest Spirit Warrior of all by saving the world from the threat known as Kuiba. Meanwhile, on Maelstrom Island, Kuiba's most loyal lieutenants are waiting, ready to do battle with all who oppose their master's return Though unaware of his true nature, Manji must soon face the inevitable conflict between his father, the gods of heaven, and Kuiba's twelve fiercest lieutenants