重启的《鬼玩人》系列将以电视剧集的形式回归,剧情上承接《鬼玩人》的第二部和第三部。 剧集将在美国时间万圣节10月31日首播,首季为10集,主角由旧版电影主角布鲁斯·坎贝尔(Bruce Campbell)饰演,讲述在男主角艾什·威廉姆斯(Ash Williams)对抗恶魔大军30年后,当他们又再一次重临人间时,恶魔们要挟消灭所有的人类,于是艾什成了人类最后的希望。艾什又得再一次拿起他的电锯,然而岁月不留人,这次他得找帮手了。Thirty years after the events of Evil Dead, Ash is a loner, living a dull existence, still not able to come to grips with the events that started at the cabin. In the event of a Deadite invasion Ash must attach his chainsaw and pick up his trusty boomstick one more time, all while finally coming to terms with his past.